Monday, May 9, 2011

(Mama) Deer-in-Headlight Moment

Had a brief deer-in-headlights moment earlier while EJ was shrieking like a banshee. You know, that spaced-out, eyes-wide-open, mind-totally-blank moment we sometimes have when faced with a certain situation. I couldn't get EJ to stop crying, neither does he want milk, or cookies, or being carried a certain way. I think it's his teeth that's bothering him. Teeth, plural, because this boy always grow them by pairs. Poor lil dude.

Thank goodness for his wowo's comfort, he finally calmed down and is now asleep. For how long, I dunno. It just bothers me to feel helpless in his discomfort. If only I can absorb his (tooth --err-- teeth) pain I would.

I wish my hubby was here.

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